PHILIPS hue Smart Plug 2個WH2891 接地アダプタ 2個のセットです。スマートプラグは日本未発売です。一冬の間使いました。コタツやクリスマスツリー、セラミックヒーターなど結構便利です。新しい型にアップグレードすることにしたので、こちらは興味のある方にお譲りします。あくまでも品なので神経質な人はご遠慮ください。安心のメルカリ便での発送予定しています。以下英語の説明です。Sold as a set of 2.The smart plug has ot bee released i Japa.I used them for oe witer.Kotatsu, Christmas trees, ceramic heaters, etc. are quite coveiet.I decided to upgrade to a ew model, so I will had it over to those who are iterested.Works with Philips Hue bluetooth app.If you have the Philips Hue bridge the it ca also work with Homekit#Philips#hue#homekit#Smartplug#スマートプラグ
Philips Hue Smart Plug review - HomeKit Authority
Smart plug
Philips Hue Smart Plug (Pack of 1) and Philips Hue Bridge Philips Hue Smart Plug (Pack of 1) and Philips Hue Bridge : Industrial & Scientific
Philips Hue Smart Plug review - HomeKit Authority
Smart plug
Philips Hue Smart Plug (Pack of 1) and Philips Hue Bridge Philips Hue Smart Plug (Pack of 1) and Philips Hue Bridge : Industrial & Scientific
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Philips Hue Smart Plug (Pack of 1) and Philips Hue Smart Button for Hue Lights Control (Hue Hub Required)
Smart plug
Philips Hue Smart Plug review - HomeKit Authority
Philips Hue Smart Plug EU LOM007 Zigbee compatibility
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Smart Plugs That Work With Philips Hue
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